
What is life ?

Have you ever wonder what is life all about?
What the purpose we are here and why we are doing somethings with specific person while achieving something that we don't really know the outcome?I don't know to answer those questions either, it's just like you do it because you have to and by doing it you will get something that would make you a better person! Things not easy as we think as much as we want it to be simple, I'm pretty sure that it's not going to be, with people that loves you and hate you around, it's much complex that you would assume! Astonishment! How people would distract you on your actions! Truth to be told, karma is there I think so do good and you will be good! Will talk about love on my next post, I'm sure it's going to astonish many people out there about my point of view about love! Would love to see some specific people reactions though! LoL

1 条评论:

  1. Depend on how you see but life to me is about enjoying and try hard to archive the goal set by yourself(Sadly,study is not my goal LOL)
    For me,reaching goal give me a good sense of achievement and make me proud:D
